
Trust Encompass

Collaborations & Alliances


We look to collaborate with selected organizations who are interested in ensuring that their students, alumni and members are successful. We do this by sharing business strategies, financial strategies and a way to properly design personal and business plans that bring substantial value to their members.

Educational Alliances / Collaborations

  • Schools / Universities
  • Institutional Advancement Offices
  • Trade Schools

Professional Alliances / Collaborations

  • Professional Organization
  • Professional Associations
  • Business Management Groups
  • Networking Groups

When Giants Learn to Dance

In When Giants Learn to Dance, Rosabeth Moss Kanter begins her book with the following quote… “In dreams begins responsibility,” observed the great Irish poet William Butler Yeats, for he understood that no lasting achievement is possible without a vision, and no dream can become real without action and responsibility.  In the late 80’s Moss Kanter defined changing strategies for success in corporate America.  Three decades later, these words could never be more relevant.  

Whether you are an Educational Institution teaching a profession or trade, an Institutional Advancement officer working with alumni, a professional trade association, business management coach or a networking group; we are in business of UNITING potential or current business owners, assisting them in becoming successful.

What if we told you we could take that a step further and assist you in your efforts, educating your circles on how to:

  • Work ON their businesses and not just IN their businesses.
  • Educating them on how they can show them how to achieve THEIR financial goals and retain more of what they have earned.
  • Show them how to be in the BEST financial position when THEY choose to EXIT their business.

YOU assist them with their VISION of becoming the best professional they can be.

WE can assist them (as a joint effort) with continued and responsible action steps to help them transition into a strong succession and exit strategy that they are in control of.


VALUED PROPOSITION – What’s in it for us?

Transaction Cornerstones

  • It’s about your relationship with your Alumni / Members – Not Us.
  • They make the decisions
  • Dependability – Side by side support
  • Overall review – solution oriented
  • Efficient & effective processes
  • We Educate – They Decide



Our regular client newsletter is chock full of information for the business owner and their families.  

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